The 3rd ‘p’ is for packing……

We only covered food prepping in the previous blog.  However, there are a number of other aspects to consider especially if you are going to be travelling to another country, some of which are visas, passports, foreign currency and car documentation.

It’s a good idea to create a “to do” spreadsheet to ensure that nothing important is left behind.  Have three columns:  1.  The task.  2.  Name of who is dealing with the task.  3.  Check column. As things ‘pop ’into your thoughts, add them to the spreadsheet.

We also have a comprehensive camping list.  This is useful to run through to ensure that all the necessary items are packed.  Remember that you’re going to be far away from shops and garages (for extra fuel); and there will be no electricity!  

Make sure that your car has been serviced, that you have excellent tyres and spare tyres, as well as essential car spares. (I’m not an expert on car stuff, but have experienced having car problems and having to solve these issues in remote places).

Have a comprehensive medical bag with first aid kit. We keep all our meds permanently in a large Medical backpack.  We just need to check it before leaving, pick it up and stow it in the car where it can be easily accessed. I have six natural remedies that I take, as well as meds for cuts, burns, splints etc. We always take a Satellite telephone (which is pre-loaded with air time) so that we can get an emergency message out. Medical insurance is very important as well as having medical evacuation if it should be needed.

Finally the packing.

Put everything out and give some thought to what is used most often, so that you have easy access to these things.  Contingency items (like tinned food) can be stowed away. Number the boxes and do an inventory of what is in each box.  Print your inventory and put it in a file with all your border crossing, recipes and any other relevant documentation. There’s nothing more frustrating than having to pull everything out to find something!

Calmly and systematically start to pack.  We always view the packing process as an exciting part of the holiday.  If it looks like certain things aren’t going to fit in, then prioritize what is important and simply leave the ‘nice to haves’ behind. It’s not a problem if some of the frozen or dehydrated foods don’t fit in – you’ll have some yummy food to look forward to on your return from the holiday! Also view the journey to your destination(s) as part of the exciting vacation. Travel at a conservative speed and you’ll arrive safely. Respect the bush and wildlife – you’re a guest in their ‘hood’!

Remember when travelling to remote places that it’s a good idea to be with a group of people or at least 2 vehicles so that someone can go for help if a car gets stuck or has a mechanical problem.